Drivin' Along In My Automobile

Thursday, June 27, 2013; 0927

And so, another day begins. As usual, this adventure has not quite been what I had hoped but it has been exactly as it was to be. As usual, I have found myself at the most random of places at seemingly the most appropriate times.

Financially, yesterday was much better than Tuesday - though not near what I would have hoped. I cannot complain though. I made that commitment and promise early in the day. I stumbled into the most wonderful of faerie gardens and I knew then that no matter what my day would hold it would be Divine. I knew that, after that blessing, no matter how much money I made, or didn't I could not complain about the day. Pictures will follow once I am home and able to really get at the computer.

Again, I was fortunate in having a place to bed down last night, as well as shower quickly this morning. I had the good fortune of wonderful and healing conversation last night. Of course, it is always nice to see The Jersey Adventure and her family. Last night, however, brought with it more magicks.

Once again, the plan has changed, or perhaps I have changed within it. Perhaps the plan has always been what it is and I am only recognizing it step by step along the way.

I had originally planned to make my way through Philly today and work my way back home. Though, at a second glance it seems there is better potential in staying in New Jersey and working my way North from here. This still gets me on my way home. It just does it in a different way.

It's easy sometimes to give I. To the frustration of it all - the pushing and the trying and the barely succeeding. But, I find blessing in every moment so the frustration can soon subside. It would have been nice if the last few days would have gone differently, been more profitable. But then, they were just perfect as they were as well. I have spent quite a bit of time the past few days focusing and meditating on the first three Teachings of The Christ. I believe there to be 12, but so far only 3 seem to stay with me - Faith, Love, and acceptance. Not necessarily in that order. Again, I can focus on these more once I am settled back into Geistopia.

Well, it is soon time for the work day, and the adventure to begin...so, for now, dear brothers and sisters this is your beloved Rev. wishing you Peace, Love, Light, and Freakishness.


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