If We Shadows Have Offended, Think But This And All Is Mended

By the light of the Strawberry Moon

A spell was cast to see out June.

Healing was the theme that night

Spread and fed by firelight.

Magic used by a neophyte

Learning how to use it right.

The power she wielded

Left the circle shielded.

Love was splashed into the air

For all who were near to share.


Monday. June 24, 2013; 1000

I love 9 days!!

What a week it was. I am not even certain where to begin. The princesses and I had a wonderful time. Of course, as all good times, it went by way too fast. Nonetheless, we had quite the adventure of a week.

The only real word for it is Divine.

We started our vacation 2 Fridays ago and it went all the way up until yesterday. The first night we just kind of hung around the house and did what needed to be done.

Saturday was a yard sale. The girls made homemade lemonade and profited $4.50 each on that. As for me, I made a total of $64 (Woo-hoo!) Though, $50 of that did not make it to me until Monday or Tuesday night.

This was the course of the week. Day by day – both in activity and in finances. Except for this past Friday I did not check my accounts once during vacation. I figured there wasn’t enough activity to worry about it.

Amazingly, we made it through the week. At every turn, just enough money made its way to one of my accounts. The kicker to it all was to be the last weekend, but I will get to that in a moment.

Monday we ended up with free time and headed out to the local waterpark. We were only there a short time before we were drenched by rain. I admit, though we were at the waterpark anyway, I was done by the end of the rainstorm.

Tuesday I had a Reiki client and that was pretty much the focus of the day. The session was intense. It was very intense. I always love my sessions and these in particular have been extra intense. I have been working on a friend who is battling brain cancer. I guess that’s the best way to put it. The tumor has been removed and he is currently under treatment.

It’s always fun for me to ‘compare notes’ after a session. It’s such a hard thing to gauge until it is all over. As the practitioner I never really know what experience the client is having. I love to hear what they experience afterwards. It is always much more than I would have imagined.

It’s also interesting to see correlations between what I see and feel and what the client experiences. For instance, in this session there was a great deal of energy taking place around the solar plexus, which is a yellow color. Yellow, he said, was the color he was seeing this time around. It had been different the first time around. There was also stuff with the will center of the throat chakra and he confirmed that his verbal “filter” is waning of late – which was exactly the message he had received.

- Sometimes it is best NOT to filter what we hear before we say it. Sometimes it just needs to be heard.

I do not want to dwell too much on the session because I do not like to share too much information about a client. However, I did want to share what an awesome experience it can be. He also commented that he did not think he was as far under as he was…until he woke up. I thought this was interesting because even I wasn’t sure that he had drifted off quite enough.

Between the Reiki session and the yard sale item sold, as well as a small payment I had been waiting on and had almost forgotten, we made it all the way through Friday morning.

Wednesday and Thursday we returned to Dorney and Wildwater for the day. We had a very good time both days and ended up very tired at the end of both days.

Friday I awoke to having a total of $160 to work with. This came as a combination of various pays. This was also good timing because we had a celebration to prepare for on Saturday.

Saturday turned out to be an adventure in living all on its own. We had planned a little Solstice celebration for Saturday night. I have always enjoyed Midsummer and for three years have been wanting to do something for the girls to experience the magic that can be. They do not realize just how much of this that they experienced.

There are many stories from this week that I could tell, but Saturday is by far the best.

The number one rule of our 1st week of vacation is that we give it to God. Whatever happens happens. This year, I must say, God was very generous with us throughout the week. Generally we do very little adventuring and it is more about being home and doing things that need to get done.

This year was very different from the beginning. But, Saturday was the epitome of it all.

We woke up Saturday morning with a lot of things to get done. We had more help than I would have imagined. It seems for once that my mother’s obsessive/compulsive behavior paid off. She managed to do a great deal of cleaning before we could even get to it. This afforded us lots of time to do the setting up and grocery shopping. We had plenty of funds available to get the needed provisions, thanks to Bottom Dollar. Smile

After we got home we were preparing more for the party and getting ready to go for my friend who needed a ride. My father approached me and asked if this was a birthday party for Cuddlebug. It wasn’t really but there was no reason it couldn’t be, so I said “yes.” He handed me a little cash and said it was to contribute to the cause.

On the way to pick up Berton, I told Cuddlebug that though no one was bringing presents and I didn’t actually have a cake that we would sing ‘Happy Birthday’ to her sometime in the night.

When we did get to Berton’s he got in the van and announced that he was thinking about getting an ice cream cake to contribute to the festivities. To me this was a true statement of the power of the Universe. No matter how many times I review it I am still amazed. No one at the party seemed as impressed by it all as I was.

What can one say? I mean, just like that, in an instant, without any effort on my part it was transformed into an unofficial birthday party for Cuddlebug. This worked because her birthday is on Friday and I won’t see them this weekend.

The guests who attended seemed appropriate as well. With few exceptions, all of the guests had children about the Princesses’ ages. The exceptions were Berton, who the girls wanted there anyway, Senor Swankypants & his wife, who have children but did not bring them and Sir Thomas and his gal friend.

So the girls had plenty of kids to play with and they stayed very active all night long – including doing quite a number on the van. I opened it up for everyone to go ahead and put their mark on the van and the kids certainly put theirs. I’m not sure there is space left anymore. I LOVE it!!!

Once we had gotten the fire going it was time for Cuddlebug to receive a lesson. She has had an interest in working with herbs and magick. So, I thought a Midsummer celebration, under the Full Moon, when magick is at its peak would be the perfect opportunity. I had hoped to walk her through it before the guests had arrived but it had not worked out that way. I suppose it was not meant to.

Earlier in the day we had picked all of the herbs. Most at random. Cuddlebug had dried roses she wanted to use. Of course, I thought sage was a perfect addition. Then I thought of the Cedar I have stored in the shed. From there we needed to either stop or add 2 more.

I was struck with the inspiration to use tobacco, which I had to validate and then we stumbled upon a jar of Red Sandalwood, which is always good for a boost.

I let her pick which herbs went into the fire in which order. This was the order she had chosen – Rose, Sage, Tobacco, Sandalwood and Cedar.

If we look at the herbs this is what she had cast – Love, Healing, Luck & Protection (Rose.) Wisdom, Protection and Wishes (Sage.) Of course, Sage is also used as a cleansing and blessing agent. Healing and Purification (Tobacco.) This becomes doubly important as the message was delivered to me later that I really must quit smoking and was given the gift to do so. Love (Red Sandalwood.) And finally, Healing, Purification, Money and Protection (Cedar.) Incidentally, between us, we emptied all of the remaining Cedar into the fire.

Looking back on it now, I enjoy all of the similar correlations – without having really planning them out.

I had tried to steal a moment when there weren’t so many guests around the fire. I just didn’t want anyone to be uncomfortable with the happenings, but it was important to let Cuddlebug do this. Before I knew it, we were surrounded by almost all of the guests who had arrived by that point. No one seemed to mind and everyone appeared to be very engaged by the activity. Including the children. There were guests who would arrive after the casting and I wonder if they found themselves affected by the powers that be.

It wasn’t until much later in the night that I had been able to sense the power of what she had cast. It was long after everyone else had departed and it was down to just me, Berton and FaeriePrincess. With everyone else gone and a chance to just chill and focus I could feel the circle she had cast stretching out further than any I have been in prior.

The dialogue that ensued the rest of that night was befitting the energies as well. It was during this time that I once again remembered who I am. I am The Shaman – for some anyway. We all have spiritual guides placed into our lives. Some are obvious, others not so much.

But what of the rest of the night? Did I experience these energies all night long? I can’t say for certain…well, that’s not true. For me, the night as a whole was very healing. I haven’t had a night like that in a very long time. I have not had that kind of proper social time. It was a chance to touch base with people and release.

I bounced from conversation to conversation. It was hard to keep up with everyone and I feel as though I didn’t talk to anyone nearly enough. But, I suppose, it was as it needed to be.

Let me see if I can recall all that I received that night – The blessing and gift of the strength of willpower to quit smoking. (Hopefully that kicks in soon. LOL.) An opportunity to do a 10k Run. whoever thought that I would even consider such a thing. Of course, the fact that it is a beer run – 1.25 miles between each of 5 bars – was quite the motivation to take an interest. This, of course, is going to require that I do a bit of running/training ahead of time. I may have picked up a new Tarot client. I was able to touch base and share with folks I have not seen in a very long time. I received a potential job offer. If that doesn’t work out in the next 2 weeks there may be more opportunity in about 2 months.

The magick of the night was validated by the appearance of a red fox late in the nigh’. I did not see it but the FaeriePrincess did, which seems appropriate considering the fox carries faerie magick. According to Ted Andrew in Animal Speak, brings with it the – Feminine Magick of Camouflage, Shapeshifting, and Invisibility.

That’s about all I can recall. It amazes me how much energy and activity can fly about in just a 4 1/2 hour time frame.

It would be interesting for me to hear from the other guests what their evening and perhaps the following few days entailed.

Of course, every act of magick comes with a price…deary. Winking smile

So let us see how things move forward from here. This week will be crazy. Today I am trying to put things back in place, doing some cleaning up and trying to plan ahead.

I have work available to me this week that will pay this week, but then, it is only available this week. After that it is all being removed and I do not know if there will be another opportunity replacing it. It has been available for a while and I have done what I could, but if I had known that it would eventually be removed from the board I would have probably dropped everything else and focused on it instead.

The work will require me to be in Philly for most of the week. I am going to plan on doing just what I did last summer – living out of the van. I figure I did it for 7 1/2 weeks. A few days shouldn’t matter. Hopefully I will make enough to muddle through the next couple of weeks. I just need a boost to get back up and running.


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