Read It While It’s Short


Thursday, June 5, 2013; 0622

Day 9…and/or Day 2,  depending on how you look at it.

Yesterday was odd. I was at it all day and feel like only made a slight dent in what I need to get done. However, I also think that yesterday was the uphill, and now I should be looking at the downhill.

I finished about half of the laundry I need to do. I got the file cabinets and papers back in order. I got the girls’ room to a manageable state. I still have quite a bit to do as far as putting things in their place, and a LOT to do in regards to the yard sale.

I think I might actually consign most of the girls’ clothes. I’m going through this stuff and most of it looks like it was hardly ever worn. I may do better at a consignment shop than a yard sale.

I don’t really have a whole lot to say this morning. Yesterday was very intense. It was odd to have the whole day to myself with no noise or interference. In fact, I was quite giddy over it in the morning. It’s kind of a tease though. This whole experience of what life could be like “if…” And, by tomorrow evening it is back to my reality.


Well, I think, for now, I am going to take my morning walk around the property and say “Good Morning” to the day. Then let’s see what happens next.


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