Resistance Is Futile


Tuesday, June 4, 2013; 0611

Well, yesterday just plain sucked.

There’s really no other way to put it. The day did not go anything as planned or hoped. I did not make the money I had set out to make and, judging by that, I may not be able to make any of it over the next two weeks.

Where there was hope just 2 days ago, now I find none.

Today I’m not even sure what to write. So much on my mind and so little to say. It is forever the same old rhetoric. “The same old song and dance,” as quoted the other day.


I think I am going to stop writing now and see what comes next. Perhaps I can pick up ‘the pen’ again later.

Drawn from the Ask and it is Given Deck:

(Okay, well this one was ‘fallen upon'.’ I’ll draw one next.)

I Will Never Get There, So I Will Enjoy My Journey

You cannot ever get it done because you can never cease to be, and you can never halt your awareness. Yet, out of your awareness will be born another asking, and each asking always summons another answering. Your eternal nature is one of expansion – and expansion is the potential for unspeakable joy.

And now for the drawn one (I personally am fascinated):

My Financial Decline Will Not Elevate the Impoverished

You cannot get poor enough to help impoverished people thrive. It is only in your thriving that you have anything to offer anyone. If you want to be of help to others, be as tapped in, tuned in, and turned on as you can possibly be.

I just don’t know what to make of it all right now. So, I am not going to ‘make’ anything out of it – mountains, molehills, or otherwise.

I keep trying…I keep failing. No matter the plan, no matter how well thought out and calculated, no matter the attempt made I just keep finding myself on Square the First. And as I think on that I wonder if the ‘trying’ isn’t the problem. I think on the implications of Mr. Crowley’s quote from the other day.

Do as thou will…and nothing else.

(Because anything else will result in disaster.)

So…what is my ‘Will?’ What is it I have been yearning to be, do, express?

Perhaps I have not gone deep enough. Maybe I have not quite ‘given up’ completely.

The course of the next few days have been laid out. Once again, I must tie up the loose ends of any remaining work the best that I can. Beyond that – I drift through today, getting my bearings and my footing once more. Then from tomorrow until Friday (or when I’m done) my focus is going through everything, from top to bottom. I must prepare for The Purge.

From here in Geistopia, my friends.


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