Your Prayers Are Being Answered


Saturday, June 29, 2013; 0948

That was my ‘Message from God’ yesterday. It’s a Facebook app. I know – corny. But hey, I believe in the God-head and I believe that God-head is always in communication with us. So, the occasional corny ‘Message from God’ seems to serve me well. But, the question is, how do I feel about that message?

Well, before I get into that, let me just say that this Saturday Morning is ‘Perfect For:’ A Summer Fling; Beach Nights; Blended Margaritas. [Yup. You guessed it.]

Yesterday was very interesting. I didn’t get a whole lot accomplished – updated finances, got caught up on emails, etc., etc. Beyond that I just had to take FaeriePrincess’ daughter up to Mama’s for Cuddlebug’s party.

It was then that it would seem my ‘Message from God’ was quite the Crock O’ Baloney.

Just as I was getting ready to leave from there I noticed steam rising from the engine and Sunshine yelled, “Daddy, you’re leaking!!” It would seem that my radiator system sprung a leak somewhere. So, we filled the reservoir with some water and I hurried home.

Needless to say it was easy to question how such a thing could be an indication that my prayers are being answered. Seems quite the opposite, ena? I mean, like THIS is really what I need right now. Another need, another expense…oh…but it’s not about the money. Right.

When I got home I didn’t see anything leaking at first, but then after a few moments it was just pouring out. I was very frustrated for a while. But, after I allowed myself to relax, inspiration struck. From what I can gather the leak is happening somewhere between the reservoir and the radiator itself. Solution simple – just keep the radiator filled. Check it every day until I can actually do something about it. Problem solved.

On top of that, I started looking through my apps and work and I found quite a bit of work available. Which I actually need to get too soon. I have enough scheduled that I can make it easily through this next week – and there is plenty more available on top of that. So, it looks like I will be doing an overnight version of what I just got home from.

Now – here’s the clincher. This is the ‘big one.’ It’s nothing actually guaranteed. Nothing Is Guaranteed Until It Happens. Nonetheless, I got a message on FB from one of the moms at the Princesses dance studio. She friended me a lil while ago and apparently she has been reading my recent blogs. (Which she enjoys.) So thank you…and good day if you’re reading this one as well.

Anyway, it would seem that she is the HR person for a local company. They have a job opening available and, based on what she’s been reading, she thought I may be interested. It is a field that I know absolutely nothing about but am confident that I could learn quickly and easily. There are a lot of things I don’t know yet – what exactly the pay scale is or how often the work is available. But, here is what I do know – it answers something I was putting out over this last journey. Something you will hear if I can ever get those videos done.

I realized that what I would really like is to be able to make money doing exactly what I was doing – traveling from here to there. That was exactly what I put out to the Universe.

“If only I could find a job that would pay me to do exactly this.”

Well…Ask & Ye Shall Receive, I suppose.

So, after I return home from this next little jaunt of trying to make some money I will focus on tweaking my resume and email it to her and then we shall see what happens from there.

[Fingers Crossed.]


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