Take It or Leave It


Saturday, June 15, 2013; 1837

Ooh…a 9 day.

Once again a little gap in writings but, I suppose, such is life. I’m not sure how this writing will go. It has been an intense several days and I feel as though there is a lot of ground to cover. I can tell you that we are going to start in aggressive territory and then taper off into something a bit more fun and uplifting. Then we stand a very good chance of entering aggressive territory once more. Most of this aggression though is much more passive than it may appear in the mirror.

So the first order of business – a general kind of statement, directed at a specific but, as of this writing, still unknown person.

It would seem, or so the tales are told, that there is someone among us, a reader, who chooses not just to read but to spread. This reader chooses to spread hate and malice and ill-will. This is fine, I suppose. To each their own. However, when that malice affects my be-ing, then I need to step up to the plate.

In a recent minor tussle, which will most likely be delved into later in this writing, my mother once again brought up this blog, or the WTML project as a whole. In particular, all of the “horrible” things I say about my family. In the next breath she vehemently announces that she does not read this [crap - may have even been the word used.]

This leaves one to draw the conclusion that someone else is reading it and then sharing, only portions, of it with my family. Of course, the portions shared are the damaging and negative ones. To this person, and read this well if you are reading this now, I have a few things to say:

First Perhaps you should learn to read a little bit better.

Second If you are going to share it with anyone, in particular my family, then I believe you should share all of it not just select passages out of context or without the more positive notes that sometimes support the negativity.

ThirdIf you need to perpetrate negativity into someone’s life maybe you should begin with your own, obviously, dysfunctional one.

And LastIf you have a problem with something I write here then I strongly suggest you grow the balls to come to me with it. Confront me even. Because, I promise you this – if you continue on this destructive path, one day I will find out who you are and you can be sure as shit that I will have the balls to knock on your door and confront you.

And, now, that is settled. On to more fun things.

Thursday was an interesting day. It came at the end of a period of great stress – and relief. (Again, more on this later.)

Thursday was the first day in a while that I was actually able to focus on a it of work. I had a house cleansing scheduled Thursday evening. I picked up a few Gigs from this new company I have been contracted for lately. And, I also managed to schedule a last minute I.C. job. Overall, in the course of about 4 hours I was able to make $100 – only about $20 of which I am still waiting on.

I had scheduled my day out so that it would find me ending all of my other work at about the time my house cleansing was to start. I did figure that depending on how it went I may find myself with up to an hour to kill, which really wasn’t so bad considering I would need to eat and taking a nap was definitely a good idea. Especially since I hadn’t really slept right the previous couple of nights.

As usual, things did not go as planned. In fact, I found myself with, not one, but two hours to kill between my last assignment and my house cleansing.

Along the way I had discovered a new metaphysical store. I discovered it, but could not find it. I had finished my third job of the day and had one more to go when I had stumbled upon a truck advertising the store. I looked around the small complex I was at but just did not see it.

Ah, well. Such was life.

So, I moved on to the last job. It was then that I realized I was going to have so much extra time on my hands. I contemplated many options. Maybe I would sleep. maybe I would just hang out. Or, maybe I would look for more work. That sounded like the most practical option. I mean, when it comes to work and income – the more the merrier, right?

I busted out the phone and started scanning my options. I stumbled upon a job that I am certain wasn’t there before or I would have done it in the first place. It was located right next door to the business I had just left. Off I went.

This is when I found the shop. I found it but I couldn’t get in. There was a reading going on. Ah, well. Dinner time.

I went for dinner and thought I would head back and try the shop one more time. SCORE!!!

I was able to get in and I hung out a bit. Here is what came of that visit:

-  I met a fantastic soul…..

Sunday, June 16, 2013; 1618

[Sometimes it’s hard with the girls here. lol.]

So, anyway…

- I met a fantastic soul. The owner of the shop.

- I may be on my way to completing my Reiki journey and getting my Master Degree. (Hmm…2 Master Degrees in one year….)

- I have found the opportunity to network and associate with other practitioners and like-minded folks.

- Perhaps the chance to do a workshop or a few.

- I also scored a Black Tourmaline for my house cleansing which was the one thing I had not even thought about.

Overall, I walked out of there feeling very charged and ready to go. What makes it all interesting to me is that the job I had found that took me back to the shop I was not actually able to do at the time. It all seems to me that someone in the Universe was leading me to something. But, at that moment, the something wasn’t “work.”

- 2059

(Told you it was hard)

Well, I thought I would try to continue my story-telling, but I am feeling rather beat. I guess if there is anything left to tell it will wait.




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