It Is….


Sunday, June 2, 2013;0720

And, so, Day 5 begins – which, again, is a 5 Day. It seems for a time the days will match. 5 is the number of coming into being and the number of The Underworld. (But then we have visited this once already on this Journey.)

Though things have been moving slowly, I like where they have gone thus far. Yesterday was Day 4 (Foundations.) The first 4 days were about just that. I have been rebuilding the foundation of myself, my life.

In the first 4 days the focus seemed to be very much on what is important – for me. This is not a money thing. It is not a ‘responsibility’ thing. It is about what it takes to be me, to feel whole and complete. It has been understanding what it takes each day for me to walk in Patience, Peace and Prayer. It has been about establishing the routine of living once more.

Since this Quest has begun I have been feeling more and more like me – the old me; the me of long ago from before many of you had even ‘met’ me. I remember that me. I remember what it was all like, the beauty and the splendor of living in that ‘me.’

Each day was incredible and intense. It wasn’t necessarily that anything special happened. It was more that I was able to perceive everything that happened as special. Each moment unique unto itself and imperative, in it’s own right, to the whole.

Funny, I just perused that in I Corinthians. We are told – there are five fingers. But just one hand. There is one body but many functioning, and vital, parts. Of course, this was meant to be applied to the Whole-ness of mankind, but it works just as well in this application.

We have just one life made up of many parts (aspects, moments) each performing its duty to keep the whole functioning and thriving.

Nonetheless, I digress…as usual.

I am The Duke of Digression.

The Earl of Excursion.

The Prince of Parenthesis.

(Humbug, even.)

So getting back to ‘me’ and how to be that. There are certain things that must be done each day to maintain ‘me.’

Obviously, journaling is one of them. It’s not so much about the blogging, the telling the story to you. Though, presently that is a nice added bonus. It is just about clearing the mind, refreshing the spirit.

It’s like the hard drive on your computer. If you want maximum performance then every so often you have to purge it. You clear it, clean it, wipe it, sweep it. You back-up and overwrite.

Journaling does this for me. It clears and cleanses the system. It helps me release the tensions and worries. It gives me a place to put everything so that I do not have to carry it with me all day every day. It eliminates the unnecessary and highlights the important.

This is something I must do before I set out into my day.

Years ago, I faithfully practiced 4 daily devotions. I must return to those. There is a reason for them. They help attune me to T.O.T.S. and the nature of ‘being.’ I have long struggled to do them again as faithfully as I did before. I must make it a focus.

Each day I must manage my finances/accounts. There are 2 times of day to do this – once after 9 AM & once after 5 PM. Anything that is going to transpire in my accounts is going to happen between those times.

(Who says there aren’t still ‘Banker’s Hours?’)

I must do this twice each day…

(Do this twice daily and call me in a week.)

…I must do this twice daily because it flows in and out so randomly and oft times frequently. Look at Friday. $95 deposited into 2 accounts over a matter of hours, a check received in hand, a deposit, a withdrawal, and I can’t even tell you how money flowed out that day.

It is a matter of managing my Resources. (The Wheel of Life.) If I want to know precisely what I have, where it lies and how I can best use it moving into tomorrow, then I need to check it.

Each day, I must make sure all the ‘Little Things’ are done. Just neat and orderly, tucked and tidied. Or as it the Principle has come to be known – Livable Conditions. Each evening, before I can retire, I must walk about Geistopia and ensure that things are in their place and ready to go. I must do what I can to leave things exactly as I wish to face them first thing in the morning. This encompasses many things, most small and miscellaneous. The things we can easily let build up for a day or two…or more.

For now, as long as those things are met, the rest of the day matters not. It will be what it will be. (For it always is.) Each day will come with its own set of priorities, based on where I am and where I wish to go.

For instance, I am currently facing two related, but also opposing issues. I have a very big backlog of work. A calendar full of assignments that just got dropped like the Hot Potato of childhood games. I have to start getting to that.

Yet, because work has been dropped I have no definite income. I know, looking ahead, that there will be $50 here or $75 there. $40 in this account to transfer and funds growing in others. But there isn’t a payday. There is no substantial anything slated to come in.

So, I must do something about that. I can’t catch up on the backlog if I can’t fill my tank or take care of other business. I can’t function without flow. So, flow must be created.

I do have opportunities to generate income that I can receive within a few days of completing the work. It’s there and can be done. But then, if I am doing that, I am not doing the backlog.

There are other factors as well.

Nonetheless, yesterday, I received an email concerning these income opportunities. It is work with a company much like the work I do with many other companies. Show up at a particular location, do what you gotta do, do it well and move on. It is individual assignments that you can either accept or not.

So, they are having a contest or sweepstakes of sorts. Throughout the month of June, each week, the top 3 contractors, as far as jobs completed, will receive a cash prize. Based on last week’s winners (they did it in May as well), if I can rank in the top 3 that is the potential for up to $3600…in one week.

Now, I don’t think I live in an area dense enough to have that many assignments. Do I believe I can rank in the top 3? Absolutely not.

However, the whole notion got me to thinking. And, I thought, “Gee, managed right, I could make a good deal of money in a week.” And as long as I make Just Enough I can keep on moving and see what happens next. I can take the luxury of forming the best plan possible.

Anyway, The moral of the story is this -

Currently, to the best that I can discern, the course of action is as follows: I am going to prioritize a list of backlogged work from one company and the other one is going to get a ‘Letter of Regret.’ I am just going to have to bite the bullet on that one. I mean, I’m going to have to a hit one way or another. Though they won’t like it, it is the best hit for me to take.

From there, I am going to focus on 3 things – Vacation with the girls in two weeks; A yard sale to happen at the same time (A yard sale Life has been trying to get me to do, and do right, for 3-4 years); and generating the income I need to just keep functional.

Along the way, everything gets cleaned up and fixed. All of the junk is out of here, the old stuff recycled. All of my space comes into order and organization. I will be able to function and flow properly.

Somewhere in there I will figure out exactly what I am going to do about work at this point. There are eminent changes afoot, I just don’t know enough to understand what they are going to be.

It was the realization that I could generate a decent amount of accessible income that kind of set this plan into motion. As I looked at the possibilities and true potential I felt very limited. I can make it. There are plenty of assignments available. But, there are not all close. Now we are talking about driving distances to get the job done. (Literally.)

Then it dawned on me. I can do that. I have a Resource that affords me that – my ability to travel.

I spent 7 1/2 weeks living out of my van. And, I do mean living. I functioned. I worked. I found work. I cleaned myself up and went to work.

Why not use that? Why not pick an area and just go. Start at a distance and, literally, work my way back – job by job. I can live in the van for a night or two – three, even. That is nothing.

And so it shall be. Let us see.

I want to mention quickly that yesterday’s Totem was Butterfly. I do not have my book close by for reference but I do know it has something to do with Joy and with the Cycle of Life and Transformation.

From here in Geistopia…

*wink, wink*


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