Once Begun…


Saturday, June 1, 2013

Here we are, Day 4 – which also happens to be a 4 day.

4 is the number of foundations.

Theme of the Week:

Patience, Peace & Prayer

This was actually the name of a station I listened to yesterday on iHeart Radio. (And I do so ‘Heart’ radio.) But, it struck a chord with me. It’s what I was saying all week long.

“If I can’t do it peacefully, stress-free, or without hurrying – then it’s just not getting done until I can.”

Slowly, bit by bit, I begin piecing it together.

If you think about it these are like the 3 P’s of getting through any moment or situation. We must be patient. All things take time. Haste makes waste. And, Patience is a virtue.

Things do not always happen on schedule or the way we would like, but they eventually happen. Where there is a will there is a way. Knowing, that it will all come to pass, sooner or later, the inevitable feeling is Peace. Of course, a Peaceful mind is a centered mind.

And, Prayer, well we all engage in prayer – whether we know it or believe it or not. We all have thoughts and words. Once we use these, out loud or to ourselves, then we have put it out to The Universe That Is and that is prayer. Every wish, and dream and fear, every utterance of expression becomes a prayer of sorts.

So, that is my approach – Patience, Peace and Prayer.

I have been really enjoying this “giving up” process. Much like The Quest of last summer, I just never really know how things are going to unfold.

(What I find funny about that is…when do we really ever know?)

So, like I said, things looked bleak when I began yesterday. But, I refused to panic (it’s not one of the 3 P’s you know.) I would not give in to worry. I was just going to go about my life and set about my day.

Most of my day was centered around my Reiki client. That was a really intense and incredible session and the client seemed to think so as well. It’s always fun for me to hear what experience(s) the client has.

After that it was all about the girls. We had dinner, went to Dorney (for a spot of fun and a it of work), and then ended up on a very unexpected adventure that had them briefly touching a glimpse of daddy’s days gone by.

Mostly, though, my fascination with yesterday was the financial situation.

A total of $170 came in yesterday. Some of that I was expecting, even if I didn’t know when. But, about $70 of that I didn’t even know I had coming to me.

With that, I am set until about Wednesday. From now until Wednesday there really is nothing to think about. There are things to be done and commitments to see through, but, my needs for the next 5 days are currently met. Now I need to meet them.

I find this interesting because Wednesday will be Day 9 – the last of the cycle and 2 before the new one begins. So, let us see what the next several days doth bring.

For now, I will take my leave. This post has taken me all day, over three different sittings. Now, it is time to continue on. There are things to accomplish, plans to make (but no stress to be found.)


"Do what thou wilt— then do nothing else. Let nothing deflect thee from that austere and holy task. Liberty is absolute to do thy will; but seek to do any other thing whatever, and instantly obstacles must arise. Every act that is not in definite course of that one orbit is erratic, an hindrance. Will must not be two, but one."

--Aleister Crowley


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