The First Day of The Rest Of My Blah-blah-blah…


Wednesday, June 5, 2013; 0559

And, so, it begins. 3 days of no one around – just me, myself and Irene (but she costs money.)

There are many purposes to the next few days. Most of them can be categorized under ‘The Purge.’ It’s all about cleansing and clearing, pretending and preparing.

I need to, first and foremost, groove with myself – without the interference – in order to know myself better. Then, perhaps, I can make something of it all. So, in this, it is just a matter of moving through my days, relaxed and realized. Taking one moment at a time and each as it is. I must establish the routine and regiment.

The next task at hand is to get through some of the stuff for the yard sale next weekend – as much of it as I can actually.

I have to put things back in order here. The office still needs to be reassembled. Many other rooms and spaces as well.

In regards to ‘routining’ myself – it seems as though my day begins at 6 AM. Personally, I would like to try for a little earlier, but then I can’t imagine what I would do with the time. My work day seems to be best started at about 9 AM. For many weeks, try as I might, getting out and going just hasn’t happened until about then. Again, if I can make it earlier I will, but lets just stay focused in one place for now.

In between, I have a slew of morning things to do. There is this blog, my morning devotion, perhaps even some stretching (oh that would be nice.) I really must do whatever it takes to maintain focus, balance and being centered. Or, as the card put it yesterday, “…tapped in, tuned in, and turned on.”

(The last one’s usually not a problem.)

Each year, about this time, I am inspired to go through this process. Each year, leading to Midsummer I am driven to clean out, restructure. This has been happening for as many years as I can remember being on my path.

In fact, I looked over the past few years and it seems, even without trying, this tends to happen on its own. In 2008, it was June when I left the Brewworks. June 16 I believe the paperwork reads. This was the beginning of a big shift and transition.

In 2009, the fights began to swell, which inevitably led to my lil stint at LCP.

In 2010, I was just recovering from losing two jobs and the apartment. This was also the first time I started to see the Theme of this yard sale.

In 2011, I was just starting to get back on my feet. It was the first time I had really had work scheduled and happening in about 3 years. The girls and I did make an attempt at the yard sale, but there was much more that could have been done.

In 2012, I was preparing for ‘The Quest',’ which was a Purge of its own, and the yard sale remained just a thought.

And, here we are in 2013 – work and income have taken a major dive, life has shifted drastically across the board, and continues to do so, and all I really have is…the yard sale.

Think someone’s trying to tell me something??

[DAAAAMMMNNNN it’s chilly out (vunct naw)]

How’s that for a weather report from Geistopia?

“Your Geistopia forecast for the day is daaaaammmmnnnnn cold…with a high chance for ball-cicles.”


So, the purpose of the yard sale is to clear out. I’ve got shit piled everywhere. I feel I am forever trying to get through it and get it sorted, sold, donated, trashed, recycled. Obviously, there is the hope of making at least a bit of money from it. But I think there is something more. I can’t imagine what.

Along the way, I hope to accomplish the same across the board. Once the junk is moved out, I have space to work and function in. So, I plan on reorganizing accordingly. I also hope to cleanse and clear myself – removing the rubble of the past and then building a foundation for the future by re-defining myself. I really need to just get in touch with who I am at this point in my life. What it is that I do.

That being said, I am feeling the need to get to something…anything. It’s just time to move on. Perhaps I will check back later.

In other news, last night was my 2nd. The 1st pretty much kicked my ass.


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