It’s Hard Comin Up With A Title Daily


Monday, June 3, 2013; 0711

Well, this day certainly hasn’t begun the way I would have liked. (But, so very expected.)

I think this makes a statement in regards to developing my days as I move through this process of Re-Creation. (or is that recreation?) It looks like I can anticipate that my work days don’t really begin until between 8-9. (Today is looking like a 9 day.)

I had set my alarm. I had failed to hit ‘Snooze,’ turning it off instead. Here I am 45 minutes after I had ‘planned’ to leave and be working and I am really just getting started.

I thought about rushing through my morning process, but, then, what would be the point to that? It is what it is what it is what it is. And it shall be what it shall be. Que Sura, Sura. (Did I spell that right at all?) The truth of the matter is, I don’t know what it will be. Currently, I am awaiting ‘approval’ for 9 gigs. I won’t know what my day truly is until I know if I have those jobs or not. So, I am just going to do what I need to do in the morning, as detailed yesterday. Then, and only then, will I set out into my day.

Yesterday was a little rough. It was a flashback of days (recently) gone by. I needed to try to get my schedule, including backlogged work, under control. It was a very long and grueling process. I literally had a headache when I was done. There can not be much more of that in the future. On the bright side I have the bulk of my concerns covered until Wednesday. Of course, I don’t really know how things go between now and Wednesday but I have a base with which to work.

[Deep Breath]

So, where are we in time? Day 6. Damn that 6. (Bless it instead.) Interesting, though, that it can be a number of worry and this morning I find myself a it more concerned. Thus far, it does not appear as though my ‘Moment of Brilliant Inspiration’ was so brilliant after all.

Or perhaps it was other decisions made along the way. I didn’t necessarily follow the inspiration through properly. I adjusted it based on ‘Priority & Practicality.’ Maybe that is even what caused my headache.

I have a company I think I need to leave, if you will. It makes no sense. It’s not something I really want to do – for several reasons. But, it has come up along the way. In fact, this is the work that caused me such a headache yesterday. Like, I could feel myself starting to stress and get tense. They are the bulk of my income currently. But they also become the majority of my stress.

For now, I am just trying to do the best I can by them and get whatever backlogged work I can done.

I’m not aware of any new totems along the way.

There are two things I am trying to work through and I thought perhaps I would touch on them today. Guess not. LOL. There is also the ‘Yard Sale’. Hmmm?

We shall see.



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