On This Day In 2005…


Friday, June 28, 2013; 1035

This Friday Morning is ‘Perfect For':’ Hitting Snooze – Alarm Clock Classics

Did I mention that I love iHeart Radio?? lol.

So, here we are, back from the journey and I’ll get to that in a moment. First, I think it is important to acknowledge one of the two most important days of my year – HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAKAYLA MADISON!!!!

8 years sure can go by quickly and still be filled with such magick and wonder and activity and love. Every year I tell my daughters to “stop growing up.” And, every year they respond, “I can’t daddy.” Sometimes I wish they could, even if just for a moment. Every experience with them is so wonderful and amazing. They teach me more than I ever thought I could learn.

Now..back to the journey….

The journey left me feeling like everything else does – STUCK. It certainly didn’t do for me, financially, what I was hoping for. I did manage to make the money to cover the 2 bills due on Monday and I have gas in my tank and in the end – after I do three jobs today – I will have $43 left to get through until Tuesday. That should be plenty, I suppose. Tuesday brings with it its own blessings – financial and otherwise. But even that will be Just Enough. Just enough to muddle through a day with my daughters. After that, I have absolutely no clue.

But, then, part of the Lesson of the Journey was It’s Not About The Money.

This is such a hard concept to swallow – even for someone like me. I mean, it is about the money…right? How do you do anything in life without the money?? It takes money for just about everything these days. If I want to have gas in my van it takes money. If I want to eat I need money. If I’d like to get my daughter a birthday present I have to have money. It’s not like days of old when Bartering was a viable system. Sometimes, I think God doesn’t understand that.

But, “Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow shall take care of itself.” Can I deny this? Can I say that it doesn’t happen? It doesn’t always happen the way I would like. It doesn’t always happen to the degree that I, or perhaps some others, believe it should. But, it does always happen. Always.

I did manage to make the money to pay my car insurance and our Blockbuster Online which is what I truly set out to do.  I had hoped to make quite a bit more than that. I had hoped to be able to take at least this next week, without worry, to figure out exactly what comes next for me. I’m not certain that I will have that ‘luxury.’

Isn’t it funny that I have to consider the time to straighten my life out a ‘luxury’??

So…is it’s not about the money, then what is it all about?

Like I said, I got what I needed and upon further inspection it seems I am left with $63 not $43. There is some more work available over the next few days, but with the travel considered can I make it worth the effort?

What is it about?

This was something that came to me, or rather I was reminded of, on the journey. It wasn’t until almost the end of it all though. It was at one of my last jobs of the day.

It’s about living…and loving. It’s about seeing your blessings and being whole in them. It’s about serving the world and giving others something to smile about.

It’s just about being.

This has been my greatest challenge. This is what I have been striving towards for so long – just being. It is the same old rhetoric that I review. If you can make it through today and you can look into tomorrow and see that things are ok, then there is nothing with which you need concern yourself. The rest will fall into place naturally.

What is more important than anything is that you can appreciate, and dare I say, love where you are and what is before you in each moment. Looking too much to the future is as dangerous as staying too much in the past. Do either of these things and you miss the glory of living now. Life never stops moving and if you anchor yourself in past feelings or future worries it will breeze right past you.

I think I will save the rest of the storytelling for later.


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