Here We Go Loopty-Loo…


Tuesday, June 25, 2013; 0934

Well, let us see what the next few days bring. I am packed up and ready to hit the road. The object is to do as much work as I possibly can. The plan is not as great as it seemed originally.

I have a plethora of work available to me. I thought perhaps I would do some this week and then continue doing what I could in the next few. However, the biggest client (most work available) will be pulling all of their assignments on Monday, July 1. So, I have the next 5 days to do as much as I can.

The first three days will be spent on the road in the Philly area. Then, Friday, I must come home for a bit. Or, so it is planned. Cuddlebug has a birthday party on Friday and I need to take our neighbor up so she can be there on time.

After that, I am free to roam once more. So, What I may do is use Friday evening to freshen up and re-gather myself and then be off and about for Saturday and Sunday. Perhaps even part of Monday depending on how it all goes.

I am fascinated by the timing of it all. I need this three days away. (3 is the magic number.) It comes just after the Midsummer Magick. It comes at a time when I am seeking change and direction.

I am hoping that over the next three days I can work on some of the issues I must resolve – like the whole cigarette thing.

I am leaving here with a total of $47 and a bit more than a quarter (to a half) tank of gas. Now I know I have $10 coming in sometime soon from a job yesterday. And, all of the work I do over the next few days pays anytime from 1 day to 3 (sometimes 7, but still.) Basically, I should be perfectly fine. I have what I need to get started. From here it is just a matter of…time. Winking smile


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