
Showing posts from January, 2014


  Thursday, January 30, 2014 (11 Day…or is it 2? Never break down a Master Number??) 2127 (4th Dark Hour) Things are intensifying…and at a somewhat alarming rate. I don’t really know how I feel at the moment. Energy is definitely up. Truth be told, I am starting to slightly “trip out” a bit. I credit the exercises and devotions with this phenomenon. It is, after all, part of their purpose. Visions are starting to come. Little lights caught from the corner of the eyes. Things seem to pop more. Everything is more vibrant and colorful and alive. More and more each day I am taking notice to the subtleties of the Universe and finding great beauty and inspiration in them. I’m losing my sense of time a bit. I have been doing my exercises at night because of having to leave so early in the morning for work. Each night I go to start and I have to think about when I did them last. It always feels like they were done earlier in the day. Energy is frantic and expansive. Even during the ...

Keeping the Commitment

  Wednesday, January 29, 2014 (1 Day) 2207 (5th Dark Hour) Sun in Aquarius. Dark of the Moon in Capricorn Tired. Sore shoulders and other muscles. Feeling more vibrant energetically. Peaceful and content (somewhat) It certainly has been one heck of a week. Work has been going well. I’m gad this job came along. I mean not only am I making some much needed money, both on this site and a bit on others, but I have enjoyed having the human interaction. Perhaps it is expecting too much but I find it interesting that not a member of my family has even slightly inquired about what I am doing this week. Thy know I’m working. They just don’t know anything else. I guess they don’t have to it just seems to exemplify my greatest difficulty with them. In other news – I have been doing my exercises and devotion daily as planned. I really think that as a lot to do with the uplifted and very animated spirit. I don’t really have much to write about tonight, but I needed to make the effort. I ...

Comin’ Round the Bend?

  Monday, January 27, 2014 (8 Day…very interesting.) 1829 (2nd Dark Hour) It was quite a day. Very different than most days recently. First and foremost I had a full day of work. And work I did. I am very sore and quite tired. Unfortunately, I have much of my own work to get done yet tonight and then up and to another full day tomorrow. I’m certainly not complaining, but it is going to be a very long rough week. It was a fun day. It was nice to have people to talk with all day long. I believe I may have made an interesting contact. I won’t say more than that at the moment only because I wouldn’t know what more to say.  It’s just fascinating to me how life can come full circle sometimes. How every so often things you thought were over – dead and buried – can come back around in interesting ways. I’m not sure if it’s actually coming back around because I’m not really sure it can. I started the day feeling kind of rough. I really didn’t want to get out of bed this morning. O...

This One’s Kinda Lame

Hey Gang! Welcome to my life… Where anything is possible and nothing is as it seems. I’m Freedom and I’ll be your host, coming at you from within… The Depths of Geistopiaaaaaaaaaa Velcum to my Life ees a prochect, un experiment een Life unt ART, A liwing storyboard, if you vill. Eet’s premise ees zat you can, and do, experience za life you choose. Eet ees based on za Veel of Life unt za ARTs for za New Millennium as life building tools. Ya. Eet’s true. Welcome to my Life is an ITV Studios/Geist…House production. JustUs Productions, the parent company, would like to give a ‘Shout-Out’ to the following for their ongoing, and oft times unknowing, inspiration and support: Princess Cuddlebug Princess Sunshine Craze & Co. The Shaman The Pillar The Entire Putt-Putt-Putter Clan Berton The Baker of the Cornbread The VanMan (may he R.I.P.) Osteen, the Son Redds ‘The Brain’ The Firm The Nameless One The WhiteRose Jojo Dancer Senior Swankypants Gen. Ralph Glossop The ‘W...

Better Days

  Friday, January 24, 2014. (5 Day; Venus) 0804 (1st Hour into 2nd; Saturn-Jupiter) Yesterday was a lot rougher than I had anticipated. I am not exactly certain what yesterday was but it was intense. The day started fairly normally, but it took a twist and I’m not certain where. It’s not that at any point anything was ‘bad.’ I just got lost in the day somewhere. I was unable to function or even think straight. Energy was very high. There was just a lot going on on all levels I think. So, I did, what I do and I coasted through just trying to make the most of it. Something must have gone right because I awoke feeling somewhat refreshed this morning. I cannot give any details, but I am having vague flashes of Dreamtime, so something must have taken place then. I had suspected as much. Hell, I pretty much asked for it. Today, as usual, is not falling together the way I had planned, but it is indeed falling together. I have a small list of jobs/tasks to complete and we will see w...

Rough Day

Thursday, January 23, 2014 (4 Day; Jupiter[ Foundations and Expansion ]) 1141 (5th Hour.) **Please note. Stopping and waiting until after Noon Devotion and possibly exercises.** --Things on the table prior to stopping – Work trip, money (baaaad situation going on), purpose and direction (feeling very lost at the moment), the weakness and healing. 1215 (6th Hour) -- Been assigned a task. Then can resume my day. 1333 (8th Hour) Ok. First let’s take a look at those Hours. Mercury, Moon, and Jupiter, respectively. I am hoping that I can put some focus into this at the moment. But, to be honest, focus is not my strength right now. Everything is very topsy-turvy, both internally and externally. And right this moment I am feeling like I want to just lie down and let things run their course. I am having lots of little energy explosions all over. Thoughts are running rampant. Emotions are not much better. To boot I am fairly certain I have managed some sort of illness. I cannot say tha...

The Human Condition

  Tuesday, January 21, 2014 2210 (5th Dark Hour) It’s been a very interesting day. So much in fact, that I felt it necessary to sit and write a bit before turning in to face my tomorrow. I’ve been thinking a lot about the reading from this morning – the yin and the yang to all things and what I am doing to clog my own flow. I have also been thinking about the Death card from the other day. I have probably thought on these things too much. Over the years I have found that where seem to be 2 sides to life – The Practical and the Spiritual. These two lives rarely seem to coincide. What is Practical may not be what is spiritually needed, and what is Spiritual most certainly is not always practical. My day was off again. Once again, I got things done. I was productive, but it was different than planned or expected. I got up good and early this morning so that I could take a gentleman from his home to his work. He was concerned about driving in the snow tonight. So, obviously, I w...

Starting the Day Off Right

Tuesday, January 21, 2014 (11 day or perhaps a 2; Mars) 0848 (2nd Hour – Sun) Waxing Gibbous Moon in Virgo; Sun and Mercury in Aquarius; Venus and Pluto in Capricorn; Mars in Libra; Jupiter in Cancer; Saturn in Scorpio; Uranus in Aries; Neptune and Chiron in Pisces SNOW!!! Feelin’ pretty good. Head seems clear. Body feels light. A little pain in the lower back – my trouble spot.Pain isn’t even the word. Discomfort. Root Chakra is a little weak today but that is to be expected. Still feeling change. I’ve decided that I think it is best if the journaling is completed in the morning. There is purpose to this. The whole idea to doing it in the first place is to clear your head so that life can flow properly. More like so you can “hear” properly. The idea is to put it “out” there so you can see what comes back. You purge your mind of all your thoughts, fears, worries, hopes, confusions, important little tidbits and nuggets of information. So, that is what I am doing. So, it is snowing...

At the Last Minute

  Moon-day, January 20, 2014 (1 Day) 2255 I was going to do all of my planets but somehow the notes I took this morning weren’t saved. So I will have to redo it again later. I will say that we are in the Waxing Gibbous Moon. In the meantime, feeling pretty good today. Very vibrant but still off balance. Its like I don’t know if I am coming or going. Gotta get that under control. Word has it there is a big snow storm coming in tomorrow. That would explain a lot of my head yesterday and the odd feeling today. Overall it was a good day. I got all my stuff tweaked and finished. I scheduled some work for the week, made a plan. Worked on some business plan stuff. And, I even did the Middle Pillar today. Tomorrow’s going to be an odd day. Picked up a very strange job…but hey if its all good $20 is $20. Wednesday I am off to Scranton for part of the day…by way of Whitehall first. Thursday is a day in Reading. I don’t know exactly how much I will make yet. There are still some jobs o...

Keepin’ Up

Hey Gang! Welcome to my life… Where anything is possible and nothing is as it seems. I’m Freedom and I’ll be your host, coming at you from within… The Depths of Geistopiaaaaaaaaaa Velcum to my Life ees a prochect, un experiment een Life unt ART, A liwing storyboard, if you vill. Eet’s premise ees zat you can, and do, experience za life you choose. Eet ees based on za Veel of Life unt za ARTs for za New Millennium as life building tools. Ya. Eet’s true. Welcome to my Life is an ITV Studios/Geist…House production. JustUs Productions, the parent company, would like to give a ‘Shout-Out’ to the following for their ongoing, and oft times unknowing, inspiration and support: Princess Cuddlebug Princess Sunshine Craze & Co. The Shaman The Pillar The Entire Putt-Putt-Putter Clan Berton The Baker of the Cornbread The VanMan (may he R.I.P.) Osteen, the Son Redds ‘The Brain’ The Firm The Nameless One The WhiteRose Jojo Dancer Senior Swankypants Gen. Ralph Glossop The ‘W...

January 18th

  Saturday, January 18, 2014 (8 day…double hmmm.) 2101 (4th Dark Hour) Sigh. So this becomes the last “official” part of my day. There are certain things that I am really trying to do each and every day. Certain things to which I really wish to devote my time. To devote it in such a way that everything else fades away…if only for that moment. Journaling is one of those things. I do not wish this to ever be a hurried process. There is importance in these moments – a discovery of self. My regiment is one of these things as well; However, it is divided into segments – 4 Devotions and 3 Exercises in 1. Each time with these moments a little bit more is revealed. There is a bit more understanding to both the moment and its place in the “grander scheme.” This is a place I was, spiritually and personally, a very, very long time ago. It’s where it all begins – learning these exercises and then…I don’t know. I just don’t have the right words for it. I recall, once, someone say, “Once ...

Day 10, Start Again

  Friday, January 17, 2014 (7 day…hmmm) 1017 (4th Hour – Saturn) Sigh. I’m not sure what to write about today. Yesterday was not the “good” day I had imagined it to be. I finally had a day of work. It was well planned and plotted, as always. And, as always, by day’s end it was nothing it was supposed to be. I showed up to one job and the business was closed for renovations. That means, to be paid, I must go back at some point. I had another job that I made a mistake on, also leaving me with needing to go back. The problem is – when? There is not only the matter of scheduling. There is the issue of having money to repeat that drive. It’s things like this that can get frustrating. You put yourself out there. you try. you make the most of what you have before you…and it still doesn’t seem to work.  It is with this I must utilize this week’s…something (Theme, Lesson or Observation.) Bless It All Bless everything – every moment. Bless the hardships as well as the triumphs. ...

Whispers in the Night

  Wednesday, January 15, 2014 2327 (6th Hour – ???) FYI: Listening to an excellent acoustic/instumental version of ‘Stairway to Heaven.’ I’m writing. I don’t know why I am writing. I just felt the need to sit down and write. I don’t think I will be motivated to write in the morning and I am hoping the day itself finds me active throughout. So, perhaps, this is my writing for the morning. I wish I felt I had words for what my experience has been of late. Paused for a moment. Distracted. Owl hooting outside. Very clear and distinct. This is the second time I have heard him. The first was not too long ago. Anyway, the reason I wanted to write is I am feeling very…something…about tomorrow. I’m not sure if excited is the right word. Anxious seems a bit heavy. I just feel good. (Is it possible for everything to just change in a SNAP?) I think that’s all I have to say. LMAO  

Today, with a Twist of Lime

  Mercredi, Janvier Quinze, 2014 (5 Day) 0820 (2nd Hour – Moon) I actually have stuff to do today. Like, out of the house stuff. I was ale to find just a few IC jobs down in the Reading area. I figured I would do them and then pick the girls up at the bus stop on the way home. I did my first devotion of the day already this morning. Afterwards, I thought perhaps, maybe, I rushed it a bit. If I’m going to do these exercises and actually try to get anything out of them then I should definitely slow down and just let them be. Just give them that moment with nothing else. Right there is the first lesson that can be learned through such exercises – Moment by Moment. The best way to move through life is merely Moment by Moment. Allowing each the time and room it needs to be and grow. Let it be. (Whisper words of wisdom…) Let each moment be what it will be. Be in it and of it. Do this with every moment. And, I can think of no better moment( s ) to start with than my daily devotion...

The Reading

Tuesday, January 14,2014 (Mars; A Day of Foundations) 1459 (10th Hour – Venus) Oops, I forgot my reading again. So…here it is. Mixing it up a bit once more. Using a different deck of cards. This is the Animal Dreaming Deck. Standard L/R associations used. 30. Possum – Opportunity ( R ): The energy of Possum is to remember yourself for who you have chosen to be and to live your life with full possibility. It is truly all about knowing the self and being comfortable with the same. 21. Lizard – Daydreaming ( R ): Take notes, keep a journal, follow leads. Things are happening do not miss them.

Enter the 2nd

  Tuesday, January 14,2014 (Mars; A Day of Foundations) 1459 (10th Hour – Venus) Waxing Gibbous Moon and Jupiter in Cancer; Sun, Venus, Pluto in Capricorn; Mercury in Aquarius; Mars in Libra; Saturn in Scorpio; Uranus in Aires; Neptune and Chiron in Pisces. Rainy and 45 Feeling kinda mellow…and restless. Very aware of ‘Oneness’ today. Legs are “hurting” a bit today. More of a discomfort. Same in back – lower, typical area. Still a lot going on in Sacral Chakra region. Still feels damaged and “leaking”. I feel sort of like the day looks – peaceful, but dreary. I’m getting things done but at the same time I am having trouble truly focusing on any one thing. On one hand this is troubling because it makes it very difficult to come to a rest at any point. Yet, on the other hand there is benefit in it because I am purging my life. Things are getting done and falling into place, creating what appears to be a strong foundation off of which to build. The purge seems to be happening...