Thursday, January 30, 2014 (11 Day…or is it 2? Never break down a Master Number??) 2127 (4th Dark Hour) Things are intensifying…and at a somewhat alarming rate. I don’t really know how I feel at the moment. Energy is definitely up. Truth be told, I am starting to slightly “trip out” a bit. I credit the exercises and devotions with this phenomenon. It is, after all, part of their purpose. Visions are starting to come. Little lights caught from the corner of the eyes. Things seem to pop more. Everything is more vibrant and colorful and alive. More and more each day I am taking notice to the subtleties of the Universe and finding great beauty and inspiration in them. I’m losing my sense of time a bit. I have been doing my exercises at night because of having to leave so early in the morning for work. Each night I go to start and I have to think about when I did them last. It always feels like they were done earlier in the day. Energy is frantic and expansive. Even during the ...