Today, with a Twist of Lime


Mercredi, Janvier Quinze, 2014 (5 Day)

0820 (2nd Hour – Moon)

I actually have stuff to do today. Like, out of the house stuff. I was ale to find just a few IC jobs down in the Reading area. I figured I would do them and then pick the girls up at the bus stop on the way home.

I did my first devotion of the day already this morning. Afterwards, I thought perhaps, maybe, I rushed it a bit. If I’m going to do these exercises and actually try to get anything out of them then I should definitely slow down and just let them be. Just give them that moment with nothing else.

Right there is the first lesson that can be learned through such exercises – Moment by Moment. The best way to move through life is merely Moment by Moment. Allowing each the time and room it needs to be and grow. Let it be.

(Whisper words of wisdom…)

Let each moment be what it will be. Be in it and of it. Do this with every moment.

And, I can think of no better moment( s ) to start with than my daily devotions and exercises. It’s actually something at which I was quite skilled at one time. I could always go into these exercises wholly and fully. They truly were Divine space and experience. So I must get back to that.

I am pulling more from yesterday’s reading. I have always been a good daydreamer. By this, I mean I can visualize well. It’s what made me so good with aforementioned exercises. I can visualize great detail. I can get into the moment and play out a whole scene of life with very little effort. I know exactly what my life will be like when I get there.

The trouble I have had has been getting there. Where I fall short is turning the visions into actions. I can’t seem to manifest the path and the pieces all at once. Is this because of my reluctance to accept myself? Is it because I always see it as just a “dream” and do not believe in the real possibility of it?

Is it a matter of needing to apply myself physically? Or is it more about a change spiritually? Is it about doing more or being more? Being more might mean doing less of one thing and more of another.

I have to let all of that sit. I could get lost in that and I don’t know if I have that kind of time this morning.

(Now isn’t that funny?)

Sigh. If only my pauses showed more in writing. I do not know how I feel about my inability to stay focused. On hand it is very challenging. A thousand things running through my head at any one time and choosing just one to work with. Then working with it and not letting the other things interfere. It creates chaos, disorder.

On the other hand, sometimes things shift so quickly and easily. That one brief moment of distraction can change the course of an entire day.

And it could be right.

Now on to the next order of business…

Queen of CupsI find it interesting that this card should come up again. Almost as interesting as I find the numeric/planetary energies of the day. Only this time she appears in a different position. I believe last time she was on the R side. She speaks of the quiet and the solitude. (Wow, what a little research won’t do.) My focus for now must be on the spiritual side of my life. There is a healing/cleansing, a rebirth. She speaks of walking between worlds – from one plane to the next and back again. Slow and Calculated.

So, I can’t seem to be able to draw a R Side card. I have a 2nd card here but it is a step off of the Queen. And it is not time to flip it over yet. I will let it sit for a while.


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