Keeping the Commitment


Wednesday, January 29, 2014 (1 Day)

2207 (5th Dark Hour)

Sun in Aquarius. Dark of the Moon in Capricorn

Tired. Sore shoulders and other muscles. Feeling more vibrant energetically. Peaceful and content (somewhat)

It certainly has been one heck of a week. Work has been going well. I’m gad this job came along. I mean not only am I making some much needed money, both on this site and a bit on others, but I have enjoyed having the human interaction.

Perhaps it is expecting too much but I find it interesting that not a member of my family has even slightly inquired about what I am doing this week. Thy know I’m working. They just don’t know anything else. I guess they don’t have to it just seems to exemplify my greatest difficulty with them.

In other news – I have been doing my exercises and devotion daily as planned. I really think that as a lot to do with the uplifted and very animated spirit. I don’t really have much to write about tonight, but I needed to make the effort. I really am trying to stick to my guns and do everything as it has been laid out before me. I think this as been part of my problem over the past several years. A list of things to do before me and I was just ignoring them all. I don’t know if t is because I was scared or perhaps even feeling defeated. If there is one thing I have taken from the past few weeks it’s that whether I was aware of it or not, I had given up.

I’m not giving up anymore. I even made sure to check Craigslist and respond to ads.

But now I think it is time to rest. It has been a very intense week and it is not nearly over yet. I guess  should have just accepted that it would all start to change about now. It’s always Imbolc.

Knight of CoinsThough there are many messages associated with this card, This evening the only message I need take with me is, “Honesty, Sincerity, and Determination.”


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