Starting the Day Off Right

Tuesday, January 21, 2014 (11 day or perhaps a 2; Mars)

0848 (2nd Hour – Sun)

Waxing Gibbous Moon in Virgo; Sun and Mercury in Aquarius; Venus and Pluto in Capricorn; Mars in Libra; Jupiter in Cancer; Saturn in Scorpio; Uranus in Aries; Neptune and Chiron in Pisces


Feelin’ pretty good. Head seems clear. Body feels light. A little pain in the lower back – my trouble spot.Pain isn’t even the word. Discomfort. Root Chakra is a little weak today but that is to be expected. Still feeling change.

I’ve decided that I think it is best if the journaling is completed in the morning. There is purpose to this. The whole idea to doing it in the first place is to clear your head so that life can flow properly. More like so you can “hear” properly. The idea is to put it “out” there so you can see what comes back. You purge your mind of all your thoughts, fears, worries, hopes, confusions, important little tidbits and nuggets of information. So, that is what I am doing.

So, it is snowing pretty good out and that has changed my day significantly. I’m not sure what I do with it yet. I was up this morning fairly early to take a gentleman to work. He is concerned about using his car in the snow tonight. So, thanks to Craigslist, I picked him up this morning and will do what I can to get him home tonight. It will be a little bit of an adventure.

I do not generally travel out in snow. To me, snow is God’s way of telling us to stay home and focus our energies there. Yet, tonight, I will be traveling out in the snow. All for the sake of making $20.

I won’t get my other running done today. I should say most likely won’t. I do not plan on going out to run errands in this snow, but I may change my mind before it is all over.

I like snow days. They are quiet days. Introspective days.

I do have some paperwork and organizing to do for tomorrow. I will do that soon I am sure.

I noticed this morning that I have a hard time clearing my head in the morning until after I have checked email and finances. I had wanted to do this writing right when I got home this morning, but instead I was so driven just to check in with my life and see where it stood. Only then did I feel things were under control enough that I could breathe deep, relax and give my focus to this moment.

I want to do the same with my regiment today. I mean, since I have a snow day I might as well use it. I want to do all of my exercises, including The Middle Pillar. I want to give them my focus, my time. The purpose to these exercises is to get yourself centered and cleared. This should not be a rushed process. Also, the power in them comes from one’s ability to visualize and connect with the very energies one is drawing on.

This morning I began to think that perhaps the Daily Devotions somehow alter one’s perception of time. I have noticed two things over the course of the past week. First, within 30 minutes of the actual time, give or take, I suddenly become aware of the Devotions. The thought wisps through my mind and my head pops to attention. It is always within 30 minutes in either direction of the hour. Usually within 15. I remember this happening before when I was practicing daily. It’s actually something that has never gone away. I’ve had it ever since. But, in the past several years, the sense wasn’t as strong or as regular.

The other thing that I noticed before, and is happening again, is that time seems to slow down. The day does not whoosh by in a frenzy of activity. I am constantly looking at the clock and thinking, “wow, it’s only such and such o’ clock.” I am finding that I get much done and accomplished but still have so many idle minutes left over.

Perhaps I am just being more productive as a whole. The daily regiment thing has been working out for me. I have been keeping and following all of my lists. And, I have a lot of them right now.

It’s all still kind of baby steps right now. It’s kind of like I was stripped down completely and now bit by bit, each day, every week, a little bit more of me and my life is being put back into place.

I am finding that the quiet times are reminding me why this path scared me in the first place. Everything really does change. in particularly, perception. That is the one I think we all have trouble with. Once we begin to perceive differently there is no turning back. We can either accept this new heightened sense of awareness and all that it brings with it or we can shut it out, ignore it, until we have ourselves almost convinced that it doesn’t exist.

With all of that said, I think it is time for a reading and then on to my day.

Using the Celtic Tarot yet again. I’m liking this. \

10 of Cups ( R)I’m not quite there. I’m just not quite coming round the bend on this. Whatever is going on right now, I am missing something – falling short somewhere. This is not necessarily a “reprimand” kind of scenario just something to be aware of. I’m not quite doing something yet. Maybe I am not listening close enough. Perhaps I have not quite completely cleared out the past. It’s not that there is no flow whatsoever. It is more like there is a damn blocking it.

8 of WandsInteresting observation about this card. In this deck it is drawn in such a way that one can not tell if it is proper or reversed. This brings a certain degree of power to this card for that is the nature of the Universe. We can never really be certain of what is happening, if it is positive for us or negative, for these energies are co-joined. Each carries just a taste of the other with it. Ever pro has its cons and every con opens the opportunity for a pro. This is why we must, “Take the Good with the Bad.” They go hand-in-hand. A new job may require you to move, leave your life and start over. You may have to sacrifice everything you love and know yourself to be. It is the Bad within the Good. But we must also accept that the Bad brings with it Good. A family member passes away. Perhaps they were sick for a long time and their suffering has ended. Perhaps, in the timing of it all, it brings great change for your own life. It is not the energy, nor the power, nor the source. It is all in how you wield it.  That is what is important. The Yin and the Yang of Life will always be present in everything.


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