The 12th Hour


Sunday, January 12, 2014 (11 Day; Day of the Sun)

1650 (Hour 12 – Saturn)

I haven’t checked planetary alignments today but I am working under the assumption not much has changed in a day or two.

So, we’re at the point in this whole process with which I never seem to do well. This is the point when I go from being within and withdrawn and take it all out into the world – activating and actualizing. In the past I always fell short on this. There was a hump, a hurdle, that I just couldn’t jump. I suppose All Things in Good Time so there’s no sense in dwelling on What Was.

Indeed, it is time to focus on What Is…so I can better form What Will Be.

Again, I must stress that, overall I feel very good. I’m not sure why or even about what. I only know that I’m ok with whatever is forming about me in the Universe.

I have been fairly good about performing my daily regiment. In fact, I’m quite enjoying it. I actually seem to get something out of it again – knowledge, insight, inspiration. I’m remembering what I liked about doing them in the first place.

The pattern of this process appears fairly basic. 1st week of the year was the Week of the Void – the week that never was. The second week, which then becomes the first, was the week of the Self.

Now as I enter the next week it is the Week of Expression – knowing the Self outside of the Self.

7 of CoinsHealing/completion. Bridging the Gap. Leave the Path behind you.

The Tower ( R )Also a 7 card. Ruled by Mars it is a card of action. Things are still delicate and fragile. It’s not so much about not taking action but more about taking proper action. Take your time. One wrong move can bring down the remaining foundation. Don’t start building anything new until you have cleaned up and solidified things already in place.

I have a few more things to focus on. A few more things to get organized and noted. And, as for today, I have a few more things to get finished before I can consider this day an accomplished success.


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