Whispers in the Night


Wednesday, January 15, 2014

2327 (6th Hour – ???)

FYI: Listening to an excellent acoustic/instumental version of ‘Stairway to Heaven.’

I’m writing.

I don’t know why I am writing.

I just felt the need to sit down and write.

I don’t think I will be motivated to write in the morning and I am hoping the day itself finds me active throughout. So, perhaps, this is my writing for the morning.

I wish I felt I had words for what my experience has been of late.

Paused for a moment. Distracted.

Owl hooting outside. Very clear and distinct.

This is the second time I have heard him. The first was not too long ago.

Anyway, the reason I wanted to write is I am feeling very…something…about tomorrow. I’m not sure if excited is the right word. Anxious seems a bit heavy. I just feel good. (Is it possible for everything to just change in a SNAP?)

I think that’s all I have to say. LMAO



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