Rough Day

Thursday, January 23, 2014 (4 Day; Jupiter[Foundations and Expansion])

1141 (5th Hour.)

**Please note. Stopping and waiting until after Noon Devotion and possibly exercises.**

--Things on the table prior to stopping – Work trip, money (baaaad situation going on), purpose and direction (feeling very lost at the moment), the weakness and healing.

1215 (6th Hour)

--Been assigned a task. Then can resume my day.

1333 (8th Hour)

Ok. First let’s take a look at those Hours. Mercury, Moon, and Jupiter, respectively.

I am hoping that I can put some focus into this at the moment. But, to be honest, focus is not my strength right now. Everything is very topsy-turvy, both internally and externally. And right this moment I am feeling like I want to just lie down and let things run their course. I am having lots of little energy explosions all over. Thoughts are running rampant. Emotions are not much better. To boot I am fairly certain I have managed some sort of illness.

I cannot say that I am surprised. I understand what is happening. I am not as certain how it will play out. I would like to be able to put my finger on exactly which moment triggered all of this. Where was I? What was I doing? Thinking? What did I say? how did it happen? I sometimes think it would better help me gauge the actual influences I am under.

I know it is all about change. It is about strength. It is about being and doing. This much I know. It seems odd to say it though, because lately everything seems to be moving in the opposite direction. I try to function and am slowed down. I try to balance my finances only to find the situation worse.

Yeah. I can’t focus at the moment. I’ll try again later.


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