Better Days


Friday, January 24, 2014. (5 Day; Venus)

0804 (1st Hour into 2nd; Saturn-Jupiter)

Yesterday was a lot rougher than I had anticipated. I am not exactly certain what yesterday was but it was intense.

The day started fairly normally, but it took a twist and I’m not certain where. It’s not that at any point anything was ‘bad.’ I just got lost in the day somewhere. I was unable to function or even think straight. Energy was very high. There was just a lot going on on all levels I think.

So, I did, what I do and I coasted through just trying to make the most of it. Something must have gone right because I awoke feeling somewhat refreshed this morning.

I cannot give any details, but I am having vague flashes of Dreamtime, so something must have taken place then. I had suspected as much. Hell, I pretty much asked for it.

Today, as usual, is not falling together the way I had planned, but it is indeed falling together. I have a small list of jobs/tasks to complete and we will see what happens from there.

The days have been filled with varied revelations and realizations. They have ranged from matters of the past to dealing with the present and accepting the future. There have been minor ones and much much larger ones.

Everything seems to be happening so quickly right now. Perhaps this is a fine example of be careful what you wish for. I wished for things to change. So…they are. Quickly and of their own accord. I don’t mind so much. I’ve gone through the change before. HA! ‘The Change’ Great now I’m entering menopause on top of it. LMAO.

I just feel like whenever there has been a change I have been left with some sort of mess to clean up afterwards. I do not know if this is just the course of things or if there has been something I have done along the way to create the circumstance.

I am attempting to step out of my own way. I know this was the course of things up until about 10 days ago. I started to see a shift then. I didn’t recognize it until about 2 days ago. I don’t know what it was exactly. I just know that the last several days have seemed rougher for some reason.

Perhaps this is the work of The Weakness.

Nonetheless, I am going to take the next several days for what they are. I am just going to try to maintain momentum. Weekends are always a little different because the Princesses are here so I’m not really in control of the energy or flow of the day. LOL.

I am unsure what Monday holds. For now, there is talk of another major snow storm Sunday into Monday. So, I may just be forced into my usual day of planning and plotting. If it does not snow I may try to get out and do something.

This is just what I am talking about. I start thinking. Then I start determining and deciding. Before you know it I have forced a day. I must let the days flow right now. This is not a time for ‘being in control.’ It’s very simple really. I approached T.O.T.S. about things really changing. That is what I want from this year. I need my life to get to a certain level. Or, rather, it must elevate in as much as I would like to see certain elements in it.

Whatever is happening right now is happening because I asked. I must let T.O.T.S. handle this one. All I gotta do is show up and do what I do. Take the day as it is handed to me. Complete the tasks assigned and trust the process.

Overall I feel good, despite any going-ons in my life. I’m not particularly stressed or worried or concerned. I definitely have been some sort of sick. But I think that is on its way out as well.

I think I am going to take my leave now and see what comes next in my day. Perhaps my exercises. Then a shower and see where we are in the day then.

I am going to do just one card today.. One overall card, using the Dragon Deck.

5 of Coins5 is a number of coming into being. Coins is the symbol of the physical/material. This card indicates that things are happening. Something is settling into place. There is a labyrinth on the card. A maze of sorts. Much like the maze of life. If I recall correctly, the point to the labyrinth is to get to the middle, the center or heart of it all. Much like to truly have a balanced and abundant life one must get to the center of the self. The position of the dragon indicates that if you are having difficulty maneuvering the maze at the moment perhaps a change of perspective will serve you. Elevate your thoughts. Raise yourself up and look at the whole of the picture. Be warned, this requires total honesty with the self. One must look at the self and make the proper adjustments for change. This also comes from the 5. 5 is a number of the Underworld. It is in the Underworld that the hero always faces the self. It is here that the greatest challenges faced and revelations had. The path of the Underworld is to test your meddle and show you who you really are despite who you choose to be.


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