This is the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius


Tuesday, January 7, 2014 (6 Day; Mars; 7th day of the year, 6th since Yule ended)

0853 (2nd hour; Sun)

First Quarter Moon in Aires; Sun/Venus/Mercury/Pluto  in Capricorn; Mars in Libra; Saturn in Scorpio**; Uranus in Aires; Jupiter in Cancer; Neptune/Chiron in Pisces

Last night was a rather reeling night of revelation. I don’t wish to get into too much of it at the moment, for that will come in time with blogging. However, I feel it is important to make note, or rather notes, of it.

I find the correspondences above very interesting…and accurate. This is why I always like to go back and look at things like numbers and planets and such after the fact. It tends to make the experience more pointed and revealing.

This writing this morning is part of my attempt to really get back to where I was – to complete the healing process. Several messages that have come my way point to the ending of a 12 year cycle. I got to thinking about, and tracking the events of, the past 12 years. I can definitely see the residue traces of a pattern – the feel of a cycle. One that I truly do hope is coming to an end. Perhaps one day I will be able to fully comprehend it.

It is in the last 12 years that I have slipped into a darkness. It is going to be 13 years since I first really faced The Demon. If I knew then what I know now. Ah, yes, ‘The Learning Curve Factor.’ (Thank you Mudslide!) I suppose that could be the Theme of the Week.

The Learning Curve

We live. We experience. We shift and change and grow – in all moments. In every moment we could make a decision or choice, have a revelation, take an action. Each moving us along the game board of our lives. Each leading to the next. As we live and experience and grow, so shall we learn. Sometimes we learn very good things. Sometimes…we learn the hard way. But we are always learning. (Or, at least, we should be.)

Learning new information, new skills, new perspective. Learning how to live and learning how to die.

I learned much in the first several years of my Path. The floodgates of my mind were open and the information just came pouring in. Much of that information, today, is fragmented and near forgotten. Interestingly enough, many years ago – just about 12, I was told as much by the White Wolf.

“Before it is done, you will forget more than many will learn.”

I was in love to the process then, but blind to the consequences. I dove right in to the life that I had found. I unleashed myself, untethered and untamed. I found myself comfortable in my home between worlds – the one in which we see and the one in which we live. ‘Tis not a home to be shared with all. There are a great many unknowable forces in the Universe. The realization of which can be both empowering and…frightening.

It was Unknowing that caused my descent. A sort of learned Aloofness about life as it is was and ever shall be.

I’ve never really fit, never really belonged. I’ve always been a sideline kind of guy – there, but only when needed for the play. This fed into an already solitude life. Raised between Bumblefuck and The Middle of Nowhere, I didn’t have friends close to me. Socializing was limited to school hours and then, later, weekends. Then never quite feeling the fit in school led to more isolation than many may realize. I was always within myself, daydreaming and desiring.

My solitude became a great strength and an even greater weakness for it was in my solitude that I had found my true nature but also lost sight of the world around me. Social skills were never really strong with me. Appropriateness was not my Forte.

Sigh…but I am getting way off point. What of the last twelve years? Of what purpose were they?

I can say that I have changed and grown quite a bit over the past twelve years. For a long time things seemed somewhat stagnat but even in that stillness there was transformation and transmutation.

Double sigh. I am starting to feel the discomfort that comes with release and healing. So, I should go work with it, transmute it, before I am lost to it and my day lost with it.

Just one more thing before I go -

(Starting with the left)

Nine of CupsDealing with flow, emotions, and coming into being. A number of completion for the cycle restarts at 10. Knowing the full nature of the self. Seeing even in darkness. There is a dual nature to each of us – there is the light and there is the dark. Neither is good nor bad for these qualities can be found in each. Each must be respected and revered. Each has its needs and desires to fulfill. And though both should be handled delicately, each should be treated individually – nurtured and cared for and tamed in its way. The most prominent symbol on this card comes in the form of a seahorse. Seahorses are very peculiar and particular “pets” to keep. I guess you could say their standard of living is very high. One seahorse needs a fairly large volume of water. The water must maintain a precise temperature. For instance, you can not put a tank in the same room with an air conditioner.  Their feedings must be monitored and measured.

They are beautiful, delicate and mystifying creatures but they require great love, attention and care to survive and thrive. Conditions must be perfect. So is the same for each of us. We each have environments in which will do better if we only know who we are…and demand it.

The FoolI love this card for the Fool is the beginning of all things. He is the 0 card and therefore lives in The Void, where all things have being and nothing has shape. He only knows himself, in the moment. He does not know more, nor does he know better. This is aloofness is dual natured. It is what gives him the power to laugh at himself when he trips on a branch and lands in mud. For, being aware of only the self, lets him know that he is not hurt and clothes and skin can be washed. There is nothing to do but laugh and the folly of himself. But, it is this same aloofness that causes him to trip over the branch in the first place. For, being only aware of the self can trip us up quite often in life. Being aware of only the self can mean you also miss a lot of what goes on around you.

And, so in this card we find the need to be, and be aware.


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