Short and to the Point


Day of Jupiter, January 9, 2014 (8 Day)

0849 (2nd Hour, barely;  Mars)

I don’t really have a lot to say this morning. I am definitely feeling much improved compared to the past two days. By the end of my day yesterday the pressure in my ‘Sinus’ regions was almost too much to bear. (Is that right?) In fact, had I had to do anything after I dropped the Princesses off I would have lost it altogether. Fortunately, all I needed to do was come home and collapse. Which i s precisely what I did.

I came home, settled on to the family room couch, and played some 360 until I passed out. I don’t think it took that long really. It was a good Dreamtime, even if I can’t tell you anything about it.

So far this process is going well. I’ve stayed very much on point each day. Just enough productivity to feel accomplished and just enough playtime to feel fulfilled. I am enjoying this return to the self.

I have been doing my ‘exercises’ daily and it feels good. I have one more I would like to add. Perhaps today.

Now, I realize it is early in the process, and this is the day on which I have faltered in the past. I just have to remember that, right now, it is all about breathing and channeling. 

Let us just see how things proceed.


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