At the Last Minute


Moon-day, January 20, 2014 (1 Day)


I was going to do all of my planets but somehow the notes I took this morning weren’t saved. So I will have to redo it again later. I will say that we are in the Waxing Gibbous Moon.

In the meantime, feeling pretty good today. Very vibrant but still off balance. Its like I don’t know if I am coming or going. Gotta get that under control.

Word has it there is a big snow storm coming in tomorrow. That would explain a lot of my head yesterday and the odd feeling today.

Overall it was a good day. I got all my stuff tweaked and finished. I scheduled some work for the week, made a plan. Worked on some business plan stuff. And, I even did the Middle Pillar today. Tomorrow’s going to be an odd day. Picked up a very strange job…but hey if its all good $20 is $20.

Wednesday I am off to Scranton for part of the day…by way of Whitehall first. Thursday is a day in Reading. I don’t know exactly how much I will make yet. There are still some jobs on queue.  But basically, I should make what I need to make to cover my ass this week.

Next week is still a little off. I am supposed to be leaving Sunday morning for a job…but I’m not feeling it. It doesn’t seem right. But, I’m not sure I could…or should…try to get out of it. I am waiting on some kind of a clearer sign.

There is a job opportunity around here. It would pay me almost as much and due to the nature of the work it should pay me at the end of the week which would allow me to pay my bills at the end of the week. It would also leave me money to work with moving forward. Not to mention, it would keep me home-based and give me just one more week to get this groove under control, as well as present greater opportunity for making more money. I have not heard back from them as of yet. I’m thinking I need to hear from them tomorrow afternoon in order to make any changes. So that will be my sign I suppose.

The job I am scheduled on currently will  pay slightly better but not until the middle of next month. This would not only leave me in a position of pushing bills back and living on “borrowed” money for two more weeks, it would leave me scrambling for those two weeks to try to make money and survive the week at the same time.

It seems to me, from a self preservation stand point, the choice is obvious. So, again, if I hear from this company I know what I need to do.

I had a day of weakness, but I am ok in it. I think it was needed…especially after yesterday and the Moment That Shall Not Be Named.

I think that is all I have for now.

It’s just been a very strange time. It’s been empowering, yet at the same time, so counter-productive in many ways. (And not so much in others.) I figure the best I can do at this point is to just keep trying and pushing and see where exactly I end up at the end of this.

Still feel like there are major changes on the horizon. I’ve felt that many times over the years, so it’s kind of like ‘The Boy Who Cried Wolf’ by now. But we shall see. There is still a cleaning that needs to happen, but I am not sure I can really tackle even a bit of that until all of Christmas has been pu away from the house.

Celtic Tarot Again. # card spread

to the left:

StrengthThis is internal. I have what I need inside o get the jo done and pull myself through this current slump. Interestingly enough the card number is 8. this is the number of infinity and the Divine. This tells me that the strength is not only my own, but that there is a Universal reserve that can be drawn upon at any time. By using both my own strength and the help of the Universe I can achieve my goals.

to the right:

5 of Coins ( R )Money, money, money! Uh-oh. This relationship is murky at best. Remember the key to flow is that what you put out is what comes back to you. If when dealing with money I am tight fisted then the flow will be tight coming back. It is my own attitude towards “money” and all things associated that is creating the current state of my relationship with it.

coming in to:

10 of Swords ( R )There are things that need to come to an end, “cut off” as it were – attitudes, energies, habits, etc. A cycle is coming to a close. It is best to just accept this and let it end. But this really means putting aside everything it brought with it. Here’s where that Divine strength comes into play. The card carries a message with it of the underlying energies and powers of The Universe. The One True Spirit that runs through all the is, was and ever shall be. Connect to it. Use it. Let it Guide you.


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