Comin’ Round the Bend?


Monday, January 27, 2014 (8 Day…very interesting.)

1829 (2nd Dark Hour)

It was quite a day. Very different than most days recently. First and foremost I had a full day of work. And work I did. I am very sore and quite tired. Unfortunately, I have much of my own work to get done yet tonight and then up and to another full day tomorrow. I’m certainly not complaining, but it is going to be a very long rough week.

It was a fun day. It was nice to have people to talk with all day long. I believe I may have made an interesting contact. I won’t say more than that at the moment only because I wouldn’t know what more to say.  It’s just fascinating to me how life can come full circle sometimes. How every so often things you thought were over – dead and buried – can come back around in interesting ways. I’m not sure if it’s actually coming back around because I’m not really sure it can.

I started the day feeling kind of rough. I really didn’t want to get out of bed this morning. Obviously, I eventually did. I was not feeling like myself at all. But, I let it roll off my back and set off into my day believing somehow I could set things right. This didn’t really happen. I mean my spirit seems ok at the moment, but the financial mess I am just isn’t giving way. Every time I try to fix it and take a step forward I turn around and find that, at best, I am standing in the same spot.

I had two extra jobs that I wanted to do this morning on my way to the job site. I was fuming and boggled to learn that one of them was off the books. 730 in the morning and the job was gone.


So, I went on to the next one. Easy enough.

I received a $10 payment. This was a relief. This would bring my –$17.77 balance down to a –$7.77 balance. I just checked that balance and it was –$17.72. All of this because one oversight, one misunderstanding and confusion keeps coming back to bite me in the ass. Funny enough, this negative balance is nothing compared to the several hundred dollar negative balance that the same error has caused in another account.

On the brighter side, I am still waiting for payments and transfers to go through and once they do at least the smaller problem will be resolved. I have no idea how I am going to fix the larger one.

Other notes of interest from the day -

I find it…ironic that someone like me, someone who can feel so lost and frustrated and defeated so often spends his days helping others lift themselves up and find themselves – helps them keep the faith.

When in the middle of my initial frustration (before I even knew about the lost job) it was first Mercury and then Adonai that appeared to me.

I learned today the The Girl is leaving. She is going someplace that I know she needs to be and she won’t return from. I should be relieved. She will be gone and so out of reach. That alone should make it easier to move on. It should make it easier to do what I need to do on Imbolc. And, it’s not like we’ve been close or in contact for a very long time. Yet, I don’t know. It’s like saying good-bye to my last hope.

Well, that’s all I really have time for tonight. I need to get some things done so I can face tomorrow in some peace.

(Just took a brief pause and stumbled upon the number of the Messiah.)

I am only doing one card tonight. I am just feeling way too rough all over to exert the energy to read 2. 1,000 questions – 1 card, 1 answer:

The Moon ( R)This was a bit heavier than I had anticipated. The first thing that comes up is, “Who are you…really?” I love when the Universe answers a question with a question. But it is an important one. It’s one that has been on the table for several weeks now. Yet, it goes deeper than that. Having the answer to that question is only the first step. The next step is the harder one – accepting the answer. There is also much here about the duality of nature. There is a message of strength, when I can accept it. One interesting message is that sometimes steps backwards are required for moves forward. (Interesting, no?) What I need to balance things out and heal is right in front of me it is merely a matter of recognizing it and utilizing it. This brings me to the message from last night – Slow Down!


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